

Some cavities are noticeable – you are peering into your mouth in the magnifying mirror as you floss, and there it is, a dark spot that won’t brush, pick, or wipe off. Time to call the dentist! Others are so tiny, that they are only visible on an intra-oral camera exam or on an x-ray. Either way, the earlier we treat cavities, the better. Early treatment of cavities in both children and adults allows us to use more attractive and healthy restorative dentistry options like tooth-colored dental fillings. These fillings are made with the same dental composite that we use for cosmetic bonding, so they blend perfectly into your own teeth. We remove the decay, clean and disinfect your tooth, custom-shade the composite material to match the rest of your teeth, precisely apply, and polish. You leave with a healthy, cavity-free tooth and a gorgeous smile! What could be nicer?