
Dental Emergency

added on: March 9, 2024

Dental emergencies can strike unexpectedly, causing discomfort and anxiety. Knowing what constitutes a dental emergency is crucial for prompt and effective treatment. So let’s take a look at what may qualify a dental emergency, the importance of urgent dental care, and how to find an emergency dentist in Edina for… Read More…

added on: September 29, 2023
Heidi Brandenburg, DDS in Edina

Dental emergencies can certainly cause concern. However, having a well-stocked dental first aid kit on hand can make a significant difference in managing discomfort and preventing further damage. Whether you’re at home or traveling, having a dental first aid kit in addition to your traditional first aid kit is an… Read More…

added on: July 29, 2023

Breaking a tooth can be a distressing experience, especially if it occurs on a weekend when your dentist may be closed or if you’re away from home on vacation. However, it’s crucial to know what steps to take to manage the situation effectively and minimize further damage. Your dentist in… Read More…

added on: December 31, 2020
Heidi Brandenburg, DDS

Toothaches can happen at any time and they can happen to anyone. But that doesn’t necessarily make having a toothache feel any better. When it comes to finding out what’s causing your tooth pain, and how to treat it, there are few steps you can take. However, please note if… Read More…

added on: April 28, 2020
Heidi Brandenburg, DDS

As we all know, recently everyone’s life has quickly changed, and we’re all experiencing a temporary new normal. But with change and uncertainty also comes quite a bit of stress. Your dentist in Edina understands, and we’re with you. While we’re sure that trying your best to avoid getting stressed… Read More…

added on: April 13, 2020
emergency room sign

As of March 18, 2020, the American Dental Association has recommended a nationwide postponement of all elective dental procedures and encouraged dentists to provide emergency services only. But how do you determine the difference between a dental emergency and a non-emergency? The ADA is helping out there, too and released… Read More…

added on: September 30, 2019
kids playing lacrosse

It’s always good to get out and get some exercise. When you’re participating in any sport, your dentist in Edina will always remind you to protect your smile. All too often, we talk about avoiding sweets or sports drinks, food, and beverages that can damage your enamel and break down… Read More…